As Monkey says, ta da. Finished quilt. I got the binding on yesterday during nap. Monkey woke up early and insisted on sitting on it and playing with it. Blankets are his favourite toy right now.
You can see some of the backing flannel in the top corner.
Yesterday was quite a productive day. I have a bunch of paper bags from an epic Trader Joe's run and it occurred to me the other day to cut them open and use them as pattern paper for the kimono. I figured while I was cutting and measuring I should cut a pattern for the stroller liner. But the main seat has the winter bunting Bundle Me in it, so I decided to start with the rumble seat that Monkey will use when the new baby comes along. I have had the main fabric for the seat liner since last Christmas and the backing since last spring.
Monkey was in a good mood as long as I was close so he sat in the highchair and coloured on the paper scraps. He also got to try out scissors, but is still too little to really make them work.
The seat flares on the bottom, so I careful measured everything and drafted an accurate pattern. But that meant binding it with bias binding, which meant making bias binding, so I folded the pattern into a rectangle and that actually looked better.
The stroller liner pattern I found online used pretty fluffy batting, but I don't like the look and don't need the warmth. The opposite actually. So I decided to go with flannel and pulled something leftover out of my stash that is too loosely woven to work really well on its own. I cut that and the top owl print to the exact size. The backing fabric I cut about 2 cm bigger all the way around to let me fold it over twice and use to bind the front. I cut it freehand because I am lazy.
I got this cut out while Monkey watched Elmo's world having tired of watching me cut brown paper. You can see the flannel has a little print. I got away with turning it over so the print faced the mostly solid dark fabric.
During nap time I sewed. I quilted the seam lines for the seat and overhang fold and decided that was enough with the button holes to get the straps through. The binding/overturn worked great, even with slightly fussy corners.
I was really worried about the button holes and how they would look. I have only done the one on the bottom of the seat, but it looks good. I got it in just the right place and it is the perfect size for the strap. However the buckle at the top of the strap has not a chance of threading through. I stewed last night and think I know how to fix it. Tough because I already cut it. Four more minimum to go, with another four optional since there are three strap heights.
I will have lots of extra fabric after the main seat liner and am toying with what do do with it. What would owls look cute on?
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